Day 144 | October 17

With the weekend over I had to get back into a productive routine but that didn’t mean that the quest for a good American style breakfast was over. Despite more efforts at searching for a place to make this happen we didn’t turn up anything better so we ended up at the Hilton in a desperate attempt to eat their breakfast. …sadly we just missed it. However, they were good enough to let us sit in their bar and steal their internet all day. Despite the overall awesome nature of our place in the Kasbah the internet was a little wanting so serious work required getting out. I hate to admit it but I’ve gotten a little behind on the old blog here so my recollection of the remainder of this day is a little fuzzy. I believe the original intent was to go to dinner but as I recall we ended up going to Burger King in the mall next door and then sitting on the roof of our place and consuming most of our wine reserves.

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